News from Angelle Design!

Hi, wonderful scrappers! 
Today I released a kit that i wanted to make for a long time! 
A kit for our men's pictures! 
Is he great at cooking or house re-making???? 
Than you have the perfect kit to show it!
 This kit is bigger than usual - it has 60 unique elements, so enjoy!

Here's just a little inspiration for you! 
Pages made by my incredible CT girls!

and you have a little freebie today!
it's a QP made by Raya, enjoy!


And that's all for today! 
xoxo, Dasha


  1. Thank you so much, love the kit. The link for the freebie qp goes to the store kit. Can you please check and repost? Thank you so much again for sharing.

  2. oooops, my fault, sorry! fixed it! Thanks for pointing))))

  3. Lol, it happens and thank you.


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